About AAA

About the Association

The Australian Anglers Association, (Western Australian Division) Inc., is the State Branch affiliated to the Australian Anglers Association, an organisation that promotes club angling as a sport and recreation for all.

Club angling has something for everyone, no matter their age. Activities can include beach fishing, boat fishing, fishing from jetties and platforms in the river and along the coastline, local groynes, rock platforms and reef systems. It can also include estuary and river fishing in both salt and fresh water.

Some fishing clubs also cater for the sport of dry casting as well as a wide variety of other activities such as 4WD, camping, and other associated skills, all done with like-minded people who also enjoy recreational fishing.

The Australian Anglers Association (WA Division) Inc., is an association of Western Australian angling clubs. The Association is managed by a Delegates Council, which is made up of Delegates from clubs affiliated with the Association.

The Association coordinates and organises State and National competitions for Estuary fishing, Rock and Beach fishing, Offshore fishing and Drycasting which decide the Champion Angler of the Year and Champion Club of the Year.

The Association maintains lists of all record fish captures made in Western Australia and Nationally. Anyone, resident or visitor, who has caught a fish in WA waters is entitled to claim the capture as a record by completing a record claim form.

State and National Capture Records

By becoming a club member you can have your say in the future of angling in Western Australia, and this say can be supported by a lot of other club members.

Club Angling

The best way to become a competent angler is to get involved and join a club.

Many club anglers are very experienced and amenable people, particularly if they can help a fellow angler. In club angling, members help one another by pooling their ideas and sharing their experiences.

By becoming a club angler you can join in the goodwill and fellowship of the angling community either as a leisure angler or as a competitive member.

Clubs combine or specialise in various types of angling activities including; Beach and Rock, Estuary, Offshore, and Dry Casting.

Generally both families and individuals are welcome in all clubs. Competitions include events for individuals and teams, men, ladies, juniors, mini juniors and veterans.

For the competitive angler, many clubs hold field days throughout the southern half of the state. There are fishing competitions at club, inter-club, State and National levels. Some organizations have prizes, trophies awarded for prowess in these competitive fields. For some the pleasure of being the winners can provide their own incentive.

For the casual angler who is not interested in competition, many clubs hold social events in conjunction with their angling activities, and turn a fishing trip into a pleasant social outing where the fish are a bonus.

Why Join a Club?

By participating as a club angler you can;

  • Learn to choose and use fishing gear and how to catch fish
  • Enjoy the companionship of like-minded persons
  • Participate in regular field days and competitions
  • Attend regular meetings and talks about angling
  • Gain specific skills
  • Possibly win prizes and trophies in club, inter-club, State and National competitions
  • Be eligible to enter State and National competition representing club and/or your State
  • Have your say in the management and future of recreational fishing in Western Australia
  • Participate in recreational angling promotional programs